I can guess what you are wearing now! A quiz
Answer the questions below to see if I can guess your outfit. Have fun! 1. How comfortable are you right now? A. Very B. Medium C. Not very D. Not at all E. A little comfy 2. Where are you going today? A. Just staying home B. I might pop to a store, but mostly I’m staying home C. I’m going to a restaurant D. Work E. A party with friends 3. What do you like about your outfit? A. It is soft B. It is casual C. It is stunning D. It is professional E. It is breathable 4. What do you hate about your outfit? A. Nothing B. I’m ok with it C. It is not comfortable D. It is not my preference E. I’d rather wear pants 5. What accessories are you wearing? A. Slippers, bathrobe, or none B. Earrings, jacket, or socks C. Necklace, wrap, heels D. Tie, loafers, handkerchief E. Bangles, sandals, or shades 6. What does your hair look like? A. Not brushed B. Just down, but brushed C. ...