How to read more (tips from an experienced bookworm!)

 So, I read. A lot. If you want to hear about my favorite books, basically type BOOKS into the search bar and 110 of my 111 results would probably show up 😂. But if you want to read more, I have some tips.

Read books you like, not books you think you should like. Fun books will engage you more than, say, Proust. But if you like Proust (and there’s nothing wrong with that), definitely read that. It’s all about the books you like. 

Though, if you have to read something for school, make sure to complete the assignment even if it’s not as enthralling as Dostoevsky (one of my fav authors.)

Illustrate your own books. If you are more the artsy type, illustrating your books will help you really soak in the meaning. Make sure you aren’t doodling in a library book or any book that doesn’t belong to you! 

Read whenever possible. Skip TV and read. Read, read, read.

And lastly, think of reading more as a reward instead of a chore. (This comes naturally to me #booknerd, and so after I pick up the slime off my carpet [did you watch that last video??!!??] I read a few pages. Or a few books.)

Keep track of all the books you read this year, and look back over your accomplishments. I have to go now. Do you have an idea of what I’m about to do? I think you know. 

Love you all!


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