Take my Quiz to Discover Which of My Favorite Books is Perfect For You!

 I have lots of favorite books (basically anything not written by Tolkien), and you might remember my quiz on which of my favorite animals you are, so I made a little recreation. Take it below, and answer honestly! 

1. You’re about to read a great book. What are you wearing?

A. A formal gown

B. Something cozy

C. Shirt and pants

D. Silk pajamas

E. Warm slippers

2. What genre of book do you reach for?

A. Romance

B. Action

C. Science Fiction

D. A classic

E. Realistic Fiction

3. What emotion do you want to feel while reading your book?

A. Hopelessly Romantic

B. Terror and a bit of disgust 

C. Enchantment, and an unwillingness to put the book down

D. Pensive

E. Sad. But a happy sad. 

4. What can not happen in a book you like?

A. Science Fiction elements

B. Romance

C. Dead animals

D. An easily understood plot that doesn’t make you think

E. Unrealistic characters

5. What are you ok with in a book?

A. Love

B. Death

C. Science Fiction elements

D. Complexity

E. Depth 

6. Which character do you prefer from other books?

A. Elizabeth Bennet

B. Huckleberry Finn

C. Fern Arbuckle

D. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov 

E. Elenor Oliphant 

7. You’re halfway through the book. What makes you keep reading?

A. Relatable voice, bit of love, bit of drama

B. Thrill, fear, suspense

C. A quick snappy read is what I prefer, one with a fun plot and interesting characters

D. Ideas and words that make me think

E. Realistic characters and dialogue, with an amped up bit of drama

8. You’re almost done. What kind of ending do you prefer?

A. Bittersweet

B. A twist that makes you think

C. A jump to a few years later

D. An interestingly complex one 

E. A bit of intrigue that makes you want more

9. Where do you put the book when you’re done?

A. A dark wood bookcase

B. My bedside table

C. My desk 

D. A white wooden bookcase

E. By the window seat for further perusal. 

Scroll for your book recommendation!

If you answered more:

As. You must read I Capture the Castle, one of my all time favorite books. It has lots of romance, relatable characters, a good peppering of animal interactions, and most of all a spunky female heroine.

Bs. You should grab Life of Pi. Just the right amount of terror and suspense to keep you going, and a few interesting religious insights. There are lots of animals, but it doesn’t work out for all of them. Oops, spoiler alert! 

Cs. When you reach me is the book for you! It has science fiction, realistic elements, and is the perfect YA novel.

Ds. Read Dreams of a Ridiculous Man this instant! I love the way Dostoevsky writes - like one long chain of lilacs. Read it, think, and wear those silk pajamas proudly!

Es. Anxious People will be your new favorite book. Enough suspense, depth, and realism to make you think and ponder. Bachman’s books always make me cry, and laugh, often at the same time. Perfect for fans of Gail Honeyman’s work. 

Love you all! Now get off my blog and start reading!!!!! 


  1. Life of Pi and When You Reach Me are my answer, which is great because I've read both and loved them!


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