Finding inspiration in the ordinary

As an artist, one needs to know how to appreciate the ordinary things, as well as the objectively beautiful ones. If someone was a photographer, they might spend their whole life waiting for the “perfect” sunset, instead of appreciating that droplet of water, that small flower, that’s right by them. If you want to draw the perfect picture of the perfect moment, you could waste a whole lot of other moments waiting. So it’s time to stop waiting, and it’s time to get drawing. 

Here’s a list of ordinary things you can draw, either from these pictures or from your imagination, or from your own home. 

1. Notice the way the sun looks, or the sky, at any given moment. Draw your inspiration from that. 

2. Draw what you love. Draw craft supplies, writing tools, whatever makes you happy, and that will show in your art. 
3. Draw family members. Or dogs. Parents, friends, siblings. Sketch their portraits and hang them on a special wall, making a family tree. 
4. Seasons changing. There’s something beautiful about those “in between times” that can be really powerful. Like this photo I took of a single solitary flower amongst the drooping blossoms. 
5. More flowers. Notice the ways different plants droop and wilt. Add shading to represent layers of petals. 
6. Simple moments. If you like “This is Us” than you’ll understand the importance of those simple yet special moments that tie in the fabric of our everyday lives. Like this cozy moment with a book and my slippers. 
7. Plants. Again. Notice the way the light bounces off of these waxy leaves. Always observe the world around you as a canvas, a surface to be painted upon. 
8. Black and white. It makes things simpler, and also makes shading even more fun and impactful. Do you see the way I put the keys on top of the book? Arranging objects in a pleasing manor to sketch makes your drawings more layered and beautiful. 
9. Just look out the window. God gave us a wide, beautiful world and we should explore it and love it. Look outside your window today and see what treasures God has planted for you to draw. 
10. Special china or bowls can make for a sketch with depth. 
11. Statues. Not as hard as people, but still pleasantly tricky. Find statues or landmarks, or cool buildings to draw. 
12. Pianos. I love the way pianos look with some extra light, and some moving hands. Consider having a family member pose, as I did for this photo, and capture the movement and volume. 
13. Old books. They are so much fun to draw and photograph! Capture the dust on the covers, the faded font, the peeling spine. That is the mark of a well loved, and powerful, tale. 
14. Houses. They are like books in themselves - little pockets into separate worlds. Capture that feeling as you sketched. 

Thanks for reading! God loves you and so do I! 


  1. Wow, this is just beautiful!

  2. I can tell that one of the books is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Good choice, it's one of my absolute favorites!!!


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