I can guess what your favorite animal is!

I read the comments from my color quiz, and it seems like the results were successful. . . 😏😏😏

So I shall attempt to use my quiz magic once more and guess your favorite animals! 

1. Which adjective do you prefer for an animal?

A. Beautiful

B. Cozy

C. Wild

D. Scaly

2. Which feature do you like best on animals?

A. Graceful features like tails and wings

B. Fur

C. Eyes

D. Legs or lack of legs

3. What animal name do you prefer?

A. Lydia

B. Doug

C. Aslan

D. Slimey 

4. Where would you keep your animal?

A. Outside in a pen

B. Inside

C. I’d let them roam free

D. Inside, in a cage

5. What color do you prefer?

A. Purple

B. Yellow

C. Red

D. Black

6. What hobby do you have?

A. Running, riding, or something of the sort

B. Writing and reading

C. Karate or some form of self defense

D. I like to research things and study hard for school

7. How would you describe yourself?

A. Romantic

B. Cozy

C. Fiery

D. Nerdy

8. Why do you like animals?

A. They are unique and beautiful 

B. They make everything better, including families

C. They are wild and fierce, like me

D. They are interesting and weird

Lastly, 9. What are you doing today?

A. I’m going on an adventure

B. I’m hanging with the family

C. I’m being grumpy

D. I’m learning something new.

Scroll for results!

If you answered more:

As. You like horses, birds, or wolves. You are a romantic, graceful, passionate person.

Bs. Dogs, cats, or rabbits. You love cuddly, cute animals that are great family pets. 

Cs. Leopard, hawk, lion, or other big cat. You are fierce like a hawk and as wild as a big cat. 

Ds. Lizard, fish, snake, or insect. You like the weird animals, and enjoy learning and growing in knowledge. 


  1. Worked for me too! B all the way!

  2. My little brother's favorite animal is a cheetah or a shark, and he got mostly Cs! A+!

  3. I got B's!! Trying to decide if that's right...


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