Funny Book Quotes to Spice Up a Conversation!

 You know when the conversation is kinda lagging (awkward silence)? These quotes will make those crickets evaporate and hopefully start an interesting discussion. I also have little notes below about when you can say the quotes for max laughs. Have fun! 

From Eric:

Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a deceased mind. 

Say this whenever someone is loudly talking about something, or bragging 

From Anna Karenina:

At his usual time, (insert name of person here) got up and made his toilet for the night.

For when someone excuses themselves at the dinner table 

From The Tempest:

He receives comfort like cold porridge 

For when someone is upset, or for when someone is eating porridge 😜😂🤪

From Eclipse:

(Someone else) Did you fall down again?

(You) No, I punched a werewolf in the face 

For when someone asks you if you fell down

From The Portrait of a Lady:

Money is a horrid thing to follow but a charming thing to meet

For in any awkward money-related conversation 

From The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:

I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don’t know the answer

For anytime someone asks you an awkward question

From Machine Man:

As a girl/boy I wanted to be a train

For when someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up

From ttfn:

You should eat a waffle. You can’t be sad if you eat a waffle!

For when someone’s sad

From: Seriously, I’m Kidding 

Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer. 

For when someone is feeling bad about themselves. 

And lastly, from: Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life

Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up? All the time. 

For any time someone says something crazy. 

Love you all! Bye! 😝😜🤪😋😛


  1. I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don’t know the answer

    - i'm going to use this one from now on!


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