Which TTPD song are you?

 Which TTPD song are you? Plan your dream day to find out. 

If you could hang at any house for the day, what would it be? 

A: A Victorian Mansion with gargoyles 

B: a magical cottage by the garden 

C: I’d rent out a club 

D: A House in Disney World 

If you could have any pet with you, what would it be? 

A: Raven 

B: Dragonfly 

C: Golden Retriever

D: Crocodile 

What are you wearing?

A:  Black ball gown 

B: Cottage core dress 

C: Mini Dress 

D: Overalls 

What’s the color theme? 

A: Dark and mysterious 

B: Bright and springy 

C: Gold and silver 

D: Green and yellow 

Who’s with you? 

A: I’m celebrating alone 

B: My animals 

C: All my besties 

D: My enemies 

What snack are you eating? 

A: Chocolate cake 

B: fresh fruit 

C: Cheesy crackers 

D: Hamburgers and fries 

What other Taylor album are you listening to? 

A: Reputation 

B: Fearless 

C: 1989

D: Debut

Tally up your answers! 

A - who’s afraid of little old me 

B - Robin 

C - Thank you Aimee

D - Florida!!!


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