AI failure story

 I tried to use AI to generate a story, to prove my point that AI should not be trying to take over art but chores so we could spend more time doing art. Here is the failure it came up with LOL 

Two Violent Uncles Snacks to the Beat

A Short Story
by Snack doodle

Cheesy Cracker looked at the hungry bread in her hands and felt cheesy.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her dry surroundings. She had always hated wet Snackdom with its plastic, pongy pretzels. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel cheesy.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Cheesy Cracker The Second. Cheesy was a romantic snacky cheese with snackalicious chunky and blobby revolting.

Cheesy gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a crispy, crunchy, melted cheese drinker with snackalicious chunky and grotesque revolting. Her friends saw her as a concerned, charming cheese snack. Once, she had even made a cup of tea for an old-fashioned carrot.

But not even a crispy person who had once made a cup of tea for an old-fashioned carrot, was prepared for what Cheesy had in store today. 

The spicaaayy teased like snacks trolli, making Cheesy spicy. 

As Cheesy stepped outside and Cheesy came closer, she could see the old-fashioned smile on her face.

"I am here because I want snackies," Cheesy bellowed, in a yummy tone. She slammed her fist against Cheesy's chest, with the force of 7996 baby crouton. "I frigging hate you, Cheesy Cracker."

Cheesy looked back, even more spicy and still fingering the hungry bread. "Cheesy, I shall eat you!!!," she replied.

They looked at each other with bland feelings, like two cooperative, confused crouton snacks at a very evil the snacking ceremony, which had Taylor Swift music playing in the background and two violent uncles snacks to the beat.

Suddenly, Cheesy lunged forward and tried to punch Cheesy in the face. Quickly, Cheesy grabbed the hungry bread and brought it down on Cheesy's skull.

Cheesy's snackalicious chunky trembled and her blobby revolting wobbled. She looked salty, her body raw like a crooked, comfortable cheddah.

Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Cheesy Cracker The Second was dead.

Cheesy Cracker went back inside and made herself a nice drink of melted cheese.



  1. I don’t know what the heck I just read, but all of a sudden I’m terribly hungry

  2. Hate to say it, but that was kind of amazing!

  3. that sounds oddly like the one about Vicky Carrots or whatever her name was


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