A Nightly Self Care Routine

 Here is a great nightly self care routine to make sure you fall asleep nice and early! 

1. Sleep with a dog or a different pet. They make you feel safer and like you have nothing to worry about. Also, if you are prone to watching horror movies and don’t want a demented clown to pop out of the toilet in your bathroom mirror, dogs are very good protectors. 

2. Watch the sunset
3. Allow yourself to dwell on worries for only five minutes. Write them down if it helps. Then, any more worries you have in the night- tell yourself, I’ll save those for tomorrow’s five minutes. 
4. Write down your thoughts. 
5. Journal 
6. Meditate with calming music. 
7. Smell a candle or essential oils. 
8. Put on your comfiest pjs 
9. Keep a water by your bed. 
10. Picture your favorite places, like under the sea. 
11. Stay away from high-calorie meals before bed, especially foods containing lots of salt. 
12. Brush your teeth and rinse any dental products thoroughly.  
13. If you can’t sleep, doodle in bed. 
14. Stay away from strenuous art projects. Save those for the day! 
15. Repeat your goals and affirmations under your breath as you doze off. F
16. Listen to a guided meditation. 
17. Believe in yourself
18. Sip warm tea. 
19. Stay away from your phone
20. Watch the sky as you drift off, and contemplate God’s glory


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