What Taylor Swift song matches your personality?

 What Taylor song are you? Take my quiz to find out!  

1. How old are you? 

A. Twenties 

B. Younger than 13 

C. Thirties or forties 

D. Around eighteen 

E. Older than fifty 

2. This is important in the world of Taylor songs - what’s your relationship status? 

A. Long term relationship 

B. I’m a kid!!!!! 

C. I just broke up with someone

D. Newly dating 

E. Single 

3. What outfit would you wear? 

A. A polka dot sundress 

B. Something original 

C. Leather pants and a black shirt 

D. Short dress 

E. Flowing gown 

4. What emotion do you feel right now? 

A. Wistful 

B. Confident 

C. Angry 

D. Flirty 

E. Sad 

5. Which emoji face do you feel like? 

A. 🥺

B. 😎

C. 😖

D. 😘

E. 😭

6. What is your favorite memory? 

A. Playing games with my parents 

B. I don’t have too many memories yet 

C. I’m too angry to have any favorite memories!!!

D. Prom 

E. Christmases 

7. Favorite animal? 

A. Puppy or kitten 

B. Unicorn or dragon 

C. Crow or lion 

D. Small adult dog or Persian adult cat 

E. Fireflies or reindeer 

If you answered more: 

As: never grow up. You wish you could go back to the days where things just seemed easier. 

Bs: ME! you are a kid or a kid at heart and know how much everybody loves you. 

Cs: Getaway car. You just broke up with someone and have a hard time accepting that that decision was right. 

Ds: Blank Space. You are flirty and fun but have a hard time settling down. 

Es: Back to December. You are wistful for the good old days. 

Have a great day y’all! 


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