What female celeb is your doppelgänger?


Break out the portable mirror so you can get an accurate answer! 

1. What is your hair color? 

A. Brown 

B. Blond 

C. White or gray 

D. Dark brown 

2. Skin tone and texture? 

A. Chocolate

B. Porcelain 

C. Pale crepe paper 

D. Smooth pale 

3. Hair texture? 

A. Silky and short 

B. Long and curly 

C. Short and puffy 

D. Long and straight 

4. Face shape? 

A. Slightly rounded with a killer jaw 

B. Heart shaped 

C. More square 

D. Slightly oval 

5. Lip shape? 

A. Full 

B. Heart 

C. Thin 

D. Not too full, not too thin 

6. Eye color? 

A. Golden brown 

B. Stunning Blue 

C. Green-blue 

D. Rich brown 

7. Eye shape? 

A. Almond with voluminous eyelashes 

B. Large almond with dark lashes 

C. Oval with laugh lines

D. Huge eyes with huge eyelashes 

8. Classic makeup look? 

A. Contour and gloss 

B. Blush, eyeliner, and red lip 

C. Pink lips

D. Natural beauty 

9. Describe your smile

A. Confident and closed-mouth 

B. Camera ready, slightly opened mouth 

C. Open with adorable dimples 

D. Beaming open mouthed 

If you answered more: 

As - Zendaya 

Bs - Taylor Swift 

Cs- Betty White 

Ds - Anne Hathaway 


  1. I, a 45-year-old man, got Betty White. I’m thrilled!!!

  2. Not really sure who Anne Hathaway is but whatevs


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