Really funny stuff to try

 Ok, so I compiled a bunch of funny stuff for you to try, that I have also tried. 

1. Pick up the book closest to you and go to page 206. The first sentence describes your love life. Mine is HILARIOUS: pride failed, the song lyrics fled, and their spirits fell. 

2. Listen to some random songs. The first one describes your love life. Mine had the lyric: it’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me. 

3. The second song is your fight song. Mine wasn’t that interesting. 

4. The third song - the title is your personality. Mine is Style. Yes queen! 

5. The fourth song title is your theme song. Mine is Enchanted. 

6. The fifth song first line is your wedding song. Mine was: don’t blame me love made me crazy. Ha ha! 

7. The sixth one fifth line is your funeral song. Mine is: I’d give all I have honey, if you could stay like that. Oh my goodness!!! 


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