I can guess what career you’ll have in ten years

 Hi guys! Let me try and guess what job you’ll have in ten years! 

1. How old will you be in ten years? (Please don’t lie) 

A: forty or fifty 

B: seventy or eighty 

C: around 20 

D: 25 - 30 

E: between fifty and seventy

2. Favorite drink? 

A. Beer

B. Coffee

C. Lemonade

D. Tea

E. Water

3. Best personality trait? 

A. Good with people

B. Creative

C. Crafty 

D. Good with animals

E. Good determination 

4. What salary would you like to have? 

A. I’m fine with a small salary if I’m doing what I like 

B. I mean . . . who doesn’t want a big salary? But I suppose it isn’t important 

C. A big one 

D. A steady one 

E. I don’t care 

5. What did you want to be when you were little? 

A. Football player

B. Poet

C. Ballerina

D. Farmer

E. Astronaut 

6. Fave color? 

A. Blacks, browns, dark reds, and golds

B. I like them all

C. Blues, purples, silver

D. Greens

E. Red and yellow 

7. Fave animal? 

A. Lion or bear or stag 

B. Unicorn 

C. Mink

D. I love them all! 

E. I don’t like animals. I like people more 

8. Where would you like to work? 

A. A small place close to home

B. Home

C. A big fancy place

D. A medium size place

E. I want to work in a bunch of places, traveling around 

9. Car type of choice? 

A. A beat up pick up truck 

B. I don’t care - something nice

C. A hot convertible 

D. A Honda

E. A trailer 

If you answered more: 

As - you’ll be a bar tender! You enjoy beer, and that’s what you’ll be making! With your people skills, everyone will want to come drink at your bar! 

Bs - you’ll be a writer! You have great creativity and have the spirit of a curios child 

Cs - you’ll be a fashion designer! You love glam things, and are handy with a sewing needle! 

Ds - you’ll be a vet! You are kind, sweet, and sensible, and will be great with animals. 

Es - you’ll be a filmmaker! You are just the right amount of bossy and love travel. 


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