10 things to STOP doing, crafters!


Yes, this situation is very grave. Very, very grave. Just kidding! Kind of . . . 

1. Stop giving yourself huge projects with a deadline. Crafting will only be fun if you don’t involve any pressure. Crafting is supposed to be an escape from your job or school, and giving this relaxing activity deadlines like in work or school, will stress you out and you will eventually not like crafting anymore. And that, my friends, is a fate worse than death. 

2. Stop making a mess! This one might seem weird. No one loves making a mess more than me! Except maybe my dog, when we leave her alone and she gets angry. Let’s just say her messes smell worse than mine. So I am not telling you to stop doing messy crafts! Just don’t leave a mess. It will eventually build up over time if you don’t clean it, and soon you’ll be too stressed out to craft. 

3. Stop worrying! This is the main tip I can give you. Worry doesn’t help. Don’t worry about the final product. Just enjoy the making of it, and at the end of each project, list three things you like about it and three things to do better next time. This way you’ll learn and grow instead of staying in a rut. 

Happy crafting! God loves you and so do I! 


  1. Wow- great advice!

  2. Love this! I always remember that you have to trust the process…and not leave a big mess!


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