Positive Mindset - a myriad of interviews from positive thinkers. Happy Interview Week!

 An interview with a positive grandma

1. What routines boost your mental health? 

I really enjoy that online game Wordle. Reading, of course. That’s one of my routines - reading every night before bed. I’m a creature of habit, yes. 

2. What makes you smile? 

Family. My grandchildren.

3. How do you get out of a bad mood cycle?

Usually I take some alone time in my room and read. That really helps. I also take a hot bath, and read in the tub, to get myself out of a funk. Self care activities help. If I can’t read, I really miss it. 

4. What actions help you achieve a good mindset? 

Excercise by doing my walking, and my steps, helps a lot. Exercise produces endorphins in the brain to help the mood. And your body just feels better too. 

5. How does family play a role in a mindset? 

Family plays a huge roll. It seems like someone is always telling me a joke, or giving me a hug, or cooking me a meal, and that always makes me feel good. 

6. What triggers a bad mood cycle? 

If someone is mean to me or unkind to others, I really don’t like that. Sometimes I’m a little hard on myself too, which makes me feel negative. 

7. Do any hobbies make you happy? 

I also love puzzles. It just seems to get my mind active and solving it always makes me feel good. 

It helps you feel like you’re achieving something. 

8. Do you feel that you are overall happy based on your actions? 

Yes. Yes, I definitely do. 

9. Do other people influence your mood? 

Especially my family and friends. People I’m close to. 

10. What are some tips for people who want to think more positively! 

I think it is important to take time for self care. Especially women. Sometimes I feel like people don’t take enough time for self care. You have to take care of yourself, before you can take care of others effectively. 

Summary of tips from this positive grandma: 

Spend time with family 

Take time alone too

Indulge in self care activities 

Do what makes you happy 

Positive mindset tips from a hardworking dad

1. How does your job influence your mindset? 

Work has helped me understand some of the ways in which I am able to provide safety and security for my family. It also takes me away from my family though, more than I would like to be away. 

2. What hobbies help your brain feel better? 

I don’t know if you call spending time with my family a hobby, but it definitely makes me happy. Any sort of family time is great. Doing something creative, or playing a game. And I really like creative writing because it uses my mind in a different way than I usually use it at work. 

3. How does family influence that? 

Oh well, being with my family is really what recharges me, even more than being alone. It recharges my batteries. It brings me a lot of joy and contentment. 

4. Do you feel happy or negative more? 

I think I’m more happy in general, because I have many things in my life that make me happy. Such as my family, this beautiful world that we live in, and the loving God who put all of this in place. 

5. What do you tell yourself to get feeling happy? 

One of the things that is important to a positive mindset that I use, is daily prayer time to start the day while I’m leaving for work. And in my prayers I pray about all the things I’m grateful for, which puts me in a good attitude, which leads to a happy mindset. 

6. What makes you smile? 

Being with my family makes me smile. Playing games with my family. Music makes me smile, especially when my family are doing music. My dog makes me smile. Art makes me smile. A good book makes me smile. Food makes me happy. A beautiful day makes me smile. There are so many things that the list is endless, but my family is at the top of it. 

7. How do you overcome negativity in the work place? 

That’s really important. Staying positive sets an example for others. I like being encouraging to others. Helping other people. Those are all ways I stay positive in the work place. 

8. Do your coworkers influence your mood? If so, how? 

I think if everyone is happy, it can be easier to be happy. But if they’re feeling negative, it is even more important to stay positive. 

9. What gets you in a bad mood? 

Being away from my family gets me in a bad mood. I hate traffic too. If I see people being mean to others, that can make me sad. Or if people I care about are having a hard time that doesn’t make me grumpy, but it makes me sad. 

10. Any tips for those who want to feel happy more? 

Prayer, gratitude, creativity, family, and God. 

Summary of tips: 

Spend time with family 

Be creative 

Be grateful 

Give it all up to God 

An interview with a positive woman 

1. How do you think positivity differs in men and women? 

I would never make generalizations about all men and all women. But in my experience men are afforded more leeway in expressing negativity. The women I know set the tone in their house, and I take that responsibility very seriously. 

2. What actions help boost your mindset? 

I would say focusing on gratitude - there’s always something that is worthy of joy and thankfulness.

3. How do people influence your mindset? 

Negative people can act like an anchor pulling you down. Positive people can act as a life raft pulling you up. 

4. What gets you in a bad mood? 

I would say people who choose negativity even though other people who have it much worse. Or when people I love are suffering. 

5. How do you get out of a bad mood? 

Music, taking a shower, getting outside, family time.

6. What thoughts get you happy? 

My family and my faith. 

7. Tips for people who aren’t very happy? 

Get dressed up after a nice long shower, go outside, and do something good for the world. 

8. How does religion play into this? 

I have an everlasting hope that this world is not my final destination, and I have a God who has gone through much worse than I have, and he understands all of my feelings. 

9. What hobbies help you feel happy?

Um, anything creative. Music, writing, and being outside.  

10. What do you think summarizes your general way of staying upbeat? 

Joy is a choice, not a circumstance. 


Choose joy 

Spend time outside 

Give it all to God 


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