10 Stunning Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day (videos included)

 It’s coming up! Here are 20 ideas to help celebrate the wonderful woman who made it all possible!

1. Temporary tattoos 

Get special mother daughter or mother son temporary tattoos! You can do really cute designs easily. Just order some temporary tattoo markers and stencils online and have a blast! 

Here’s how to draw a cute heart: 

It’s times like these that I’m actually thankful for my big ol’ feet. 

2. Homemade calendar! Help mom remember her important dates with this cute calendar! You’ll need an empty picture frame (a stand up one), some oil pastels or crayons, printer paper, scissors, a regular marker, and a dry erase marker. First, draw all over a sheet of printer paper. Use your mom’s favorite colors! Then cut out the paper so that it is the same size as the frame. 

Write the days of the week on your paper in a big marker. 

Frame the picture. 

Watch the video to find out how to use it!

The dry erase marker comes off the glass perfectly, making an erasable calendar! 

3. Family sketch 

Parents love hanging drawings of their family up on the walls. Why not give mamma an extra special picture you drew just for her? 

4. Hot glue gun rose 

Watch the video to make a petal. Then make a bunch, and attach them together. Make sure to hot glue on a peel-off-a-ble surface so it will peel off. Parchment paper works the best!


5. Write her a song, and play it on the piano or whatever instrument you’d like. 

6. Write a touching poem, and frame it for her. 
7. Make a crafty card by combining stickers, flower scraps, and torn bits of hand lettering. Watch the video to make it! 

(And yes, I did knock over that glue stick in my video 😜) 

8. Turn a sticker into a matching hand tattoo! The reason I included two temporary tattoo ideas in this post is because I find that moms and daughters (or sons, I’m not sexist) like to get matching temp tattoos because it helps them feel connected. I strongly encourage you to try one of these and use this bonding activity to celebrate mothers’ day. 
You’ll need a cup of water, a cute sticker, and a piece of cloth. 

9. Make your own story 
You’ll need to go to my Pop Up Book post (under the title - a super easy crafting project for beginners) and make a few of those. Stick them together, then add a story traveling through the pages.

10. Make a special jewelry box. I took a tchotchke and hot glued it to a cardboard box that I painted gold. 
Then I put my mom’s favorite chocolates in the box, added a ribbon accent, and finished with an I love You note. 

Happy Mother’s Day! 


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