Which emotion are you? A quiz
Choose between these answers to find out your slightly unusual emotion!
1. How do you play games?
A. People tell me I’m too grumpy but they don’t know nothing
B. I don’t play many games
C. I’m competitive but remind people that we’re just supposed to have fun
D. I like weird games and find fun ways to cheat
2. Your dog likes your brother better. You:
A. Call my dog a traitor
B. I just don’t really care?
C. I joke about it but don’t really care
D. I’m sad but win my dog back with treats and affection and strategic battle plans
3. How do you feel about work?
A. I’m bored. It’s a perfectly fine job but I’m still bored.
B. I don’t have any job.
C. I have the job of supporting people and I love it.
D. I’m a kid!
4. How do you feel about house chores?
A. I supervise the chores.
B. I mainly focus on doing my own laundry and keeping my room clean.
C. I do all the chores.
D. Usually people have to remind me to clean my room.
5. How do you make plans with friends?
A. I meet up with one friend every once in a while. It is his idea.
B. My friends invite me to stuff, and I almost always accept. I don’t make the plans though.
C. I make plans and have my friends make plans also. It’s pretty even.
D. I don’t like people.
6. What do you do all day?
A. I work
B. I don’t do much. Occasionally I’ll have a responsibility but not often.
C. I do everything!
D. I do school work.
7. What drink do you prefer?
A. Bourbon or beer
B. Red wine or coffee
C. Cocktails
D. Sparkling lemonade
8. What fruit do you prefer?
A. Orange
B. I’m more of a veggie person
C. Apple, melon
D. Kiwi
9. What book do you prefer?
A. A war novel
B. A mystery
C. A classic
D. A realistic fiction
If you answered more:
As. You’re a mix of disgruntled indignant grumpiness. People say you’re gruff, but you don’t believe that one bit!
Bs. You are indecisive. You don’t like making plans and focus on a strict routine.
Cs. You are snarky joy! You are happy, but like to bring a bit of sarcasm to any conversation.
Ds. You are creatively different. You see the world in a different way.
Snarky joy all the way!