What musical reflects your personality? A quiz

 Ever wonder what musical is perfect for you? Take the quiz to find out! 

1. What type of music speaks to your soul?        

A. Fun, pop music 

B. Bold rock

C. Opera or dramatic 

D. Heartfelt 

E. Inspiring 

2. Favorite color? 

A.  pink 

B. Yellow/Black

C. Blue/Purple

D. Red

E. Green

3. What most relates to you? 

A. Strong feminist instincts

B. Fighting through mistakes 

C. Mother daughter relationships

D. Struggling in your workplace

E. Finding myself

4. What is your BFF like? 

A. Fun, funny, supportive

B. I have a group of small friends, some would die for me but others would stab me in the back

C. I have no BFF. I wish I did though. 

D. I have a bunch of friends. We’re all similar in many ways, but each have a unique personality 

E. We go through rough patches sometimes

5. Favorite non-musical movie? 

A. Little women 

B. A war movie of some sort (which I know nothing about, hence the vague category) 

C. Gilmore Girls, a Year In The Life 

D. Citizen Cane 

E. Anne of Green Gables

6. Which hobby do you have? 

A. Traveling

B. Writing 

C. My job takes up most of my time

D. Reading 

E. Makeovers 

7. What is most important in a novel? 

A. Strong female characters

B. Action, excitement

C. Pain and suffering 

D. Romance

E. Magic 

8. Which emotion do you feel at work? 

A. Tired, but determined 

B. Bored

C. I will work until I die, for the law, and for God 

D. I like it ok 

E. I’m still in school, I don’t have a job

9. What animal is your favorite? 

A. Peacock

B. Lion

C. Ox/horse

D. Rats 

E. Elephants 

If you answered more:

As. Your spirit musical is Mamma Mia! You are fun, strong, and a feminist and congratulations, you got the best answer. 

Bs. Your spirit musical is Hamilton! You are into history, action, and rock and roll. 

Cs. Your spirit musical is Les Mis! You love mother daughter relationships, and are really dedicated to your job. Take a break though. You don’t want to end up like Javert. 

Ds. Your spirit musical is Newsies! You like a little romance and enjoy reading. 

Es. Your spirit musical is Wicked! You are young, misunderstood at times, and appreciate fun inspiring music. 

Love you all! Bye! 


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