A Famous Crafter Comes to Tea
This is a little conversation I imagined in my mind between me and this famous, yet controversial crafter. Not all information is guaranteed to be accurate, and I wish the dear Martha S. no offense.
M: Hello, thanks for having me!
CCC: Sure thing, Martha! Please, make yourself comfortable.
Martha: ok, I heard that you have some questions for me.
CCC: Yes. Here’s question number 1. How old ARE you?
Martha: Wow, knife to the gut. You’re just like my old prison mate, One Legged Billy. Do I really have to answer that question?
CCC: Yes, this is an interview for my blog. I already told my grandma about it.
Martha (sighs): Fine. I turn 20 on August Third.
CCC: Really, Martha?
Martha: Of course! You think I’m a liar?
CCC: I mean. . .
Martha: FINE! I’m turning eighty.
CCC: That makes sense.
Martha: What are you implying?
CCC: Umm, I said that your age makes sense because you are so wise.
Martha: Thank you, darling.
CCC: I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound offensive Martha. You’re actually quite amazing, a smart worker, a great business woman and the first self made female billionaire! I won’t ask how you got that money, but it is still an impressive feat!
Martha: That’s quite right. And when will they change the word “business man” to businessperson?
CCC: Totally agree.
Martha: I also like to read. When I was a child, I wanted to read every book ever written!
CCC: I bet you had a whole lot of time for reading in. . .
Martha: College? Well, not really. I worked as a model throughout college to pay for tuition.
CCC: Cool.
Martha: I’m actually a big fan of your blog! You like animals, I believe. I actually own several donkeys myself.
CCC: Can I come visit your place?
Martha: I don’t know. You’ll have to promise not to tell any of my neighbors and friends these secrets I shared today.
CCC: Oops, I maybe already posted our conversation on the internet. Sorry!