5 mysterious settings for you next short story

 Ready to get writing? Here are 5 perfectly haunting places for you next story to take place in. 

1. Stonehenge 

No one knows how those huge rocks got on top of a huge hill, back when there were no cranes or other heavy machinery. Does this get you inspired? Try writing from the perspective of a detective, a ghost who haunts the tourists who visit Stonehenge, or a girl who falls in a secret portal between stones. 

2. The Pyramids 

There are new tunnels under the pyramids that are still getting discovered. And there are also tombs filled with treasure to give your story some oomph. 

3. The Bermuda Triangle

Boats and humans go missing in the Bermuda Triangle. Maybe someone in your story will figure out why, where, and how. 

4. Tower of London 

Where many people were beheaded. Do their ghosts still live there? (Not really, don’t worry. But in your story anything’s possible!)

5. Easter Island

What do those heads mean? Where are their bodies? 

Hope these got you thinking! God loves you and so do I! 


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