What animal do you look like? A quiz

 We’ve done many animal quizzes, and this is one of my faves! Answer the questions below to see what animal you look like! 

1. What color hair do you have? 

A. Black or brown 

B. White or none 

C. Multi colored or dyed 

D. Gray 

E. Blondish tan 

2. What best describes you? 

A. Tall 

B. Short 

C. Angular 

D. Cute

E. Majestic 

3. What nose do you have? 

A. A big ol nose, but not a long one

B. Short and cute

C. Narrow and pointy 

D. Just a little button nose

E. Very long and big 

4. What hairstyle do you have? 

A. All big and shaggy 

B. No hair for me! 

C.  Slicked back

D. Short and slightly shaggy 

E. Long and flowing 

5. Which best describes you? 

A. Tall and muscly 

B. Short and old

C. Tall and lean

D. Just plain adorable

E. Powerful 

6. What clothes are you wearing? 

A. Big baggy clothes

B. Tiny clothes or no clothes 

C. A long dress

D. PJs

E. Other 

7. What is your temperament right now? 

A. Slightly grumpy, or maybe I just always look that way. 

B. Timid or shy

C. A bit uptight and stressed

D. Energetic and fun loving 

E. Calm and docile

8. What are your eyes like? 

A. Kind of big and brown 

B. Little and twitchy

C. Sharp, keen eyes

D. Large playful eyes

E. Other 

9. What is your height? 

A. 5.9 or above

B. 5.0 - 5.2

C. 5.5 through 5.8

D. Below five feet 

E. 5.3 - 5.4 

If you answered more:

As. You are a bear! You are big and tall, and kind of scruffy. You are grumpy, or just have that general demeanor. But you are also really cute! At least, to those who know you well. 

Bs. You are a mouse! You are short and timid, and occasionally anxious. 

Cs. You are a bird! You are tall and angular, with lots of pointy angles! You are also shrewd. 

Ds. You are a cat! You are cute and fuzzy and everyone loves you. 

Es. You are a horse! You are powerful, pretty, and majestic. 

Have a wonderful evening everybody!


  1. I tied for bear and horse, but NO ONE who knows me at all would describe me as a bear (and I would call myself a unicorn:)

  2. I got E's? I'm not sure it suits me, though.


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