How to make ANY day fun!!!!

 Take this short quiz to get a super fun tip to leave you excited for tomorrow! 

1. What are you doing?

A. Chores, chores, chores

B. School work 

C. Literally nothing 

D. Errands

If you answered: 


Chores ARE boring. But there are some ways to make them fun!! Listen to something, to distract your mind. If you are folding laundry, watch a movie or TV show while you work. If you’re doing regular chores like sweeping and cleaning, listen to your favorite energizing music and sing along. If you’re working outside, bring your headphones or a portable radio to listen to a podcast or audio book. If you’re tidying your room, listen to an audio book too. Give yourself a reward to look forward too, like reading or watching a movie. To make chores more bearable, set a timer for ten minutes - thirty minutes depending on the chore and take a break to move onto the next chore after the time is up. 


School is fun! Especially if you follow these tips:

Take a break after each subject for five minutes to relax. Customize your school things today - make clay tops for your pens, cover a notebook in stickers, and place a photo by your working space of your loved ones to keep you motivated. Have a glass of pure ice water nearby for energy, and try running in place to get your blood moving. Have a good nights sleep tonight and wear clothes that make you feel confident. 


Nothing, huh? Well, here are some fun yet productive things to do that will give you energy and happiness throughout the relaxing day. 

Start out by sleeping in. You deserve it. But once you awake, get up right away or else you’ll feel tired and lethargic instead of well-rested. Believe me, I know. Then read a good book in a room with a nice view of nature. Brew some tea to soothe your body. 

Whatever you do, don’t binge watch television. Pick one movie you want to see, and feel happy not lazy. 

Make time to do art, craft, write, and have a bath. Also, FaceTime an old friend and chat. 


Errands. Hate them or love them, they are an unavoidable fact of life. The best tip I can think of is to make it a game. See how many errands you can get done in say, two hours, and then treat yourself to a fun errand like stopping at a CRAFTING store! 

Have a lovely, fun day guys! Bye! 


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