What’s Your Superpower? A quiz

 Have you ever wondered what kind of superpower you would have? I personally would love flying. 

Answer some questions about your dreams to find out your power! 

1. Which classic nightmare have you had?

A. I’m hiding somewhere

B. I’m running from something 

C. I’m in my underwear 

D. People are gossiping about me 

E. A monster is eating me

2. Which good dream have you had? 

A. I’m wandering around a mysterious place

B. I’m in a hot air balloon

C. I’m saving people I love

D. I’m at a huge party with all my friends

E. I’m petting a dog (I have that dream a lot!) 

3. Which almost always happens in your dreams? 

A. I’m hiding 

B. I’m being chased

C. I turn into a giant 

D. People are being mean to me

E. There are always animals. 

4. What do you day-dream about? 

A. Being safe

B. Floating in the middle of the ocean

C. Beating someone up

D. Hanging with my friends

E. Puppies 

5. What is your biggest fear? 

A. People knowing my secrets

B. Having no imagination

C. Being bullied

D. People hating me

E. Having no pets! 

6. Which of these has happened to you? 

A. I went to a terrible school/workplace

B. A big family fight

C. I’ve been bullied 

D. Someone told my secret to all of my friends/coworkers and we had a big fight. 

E. A pet has run away. 

7. What do you look for in a friend? 

A. Someone who lets me be alone

B. Someone who doesn’t tell me to grow up 

C. Someone who doesn’t hurt me

D. Someone who doesn’t tell my secrets

E. Someone who has a pet 

8. What do you like wearing? 

A. Baggy sweaters

B. Dresses

C. Black T-shirts 

D. Something awesome 

E. A hat 

And lastly, 9. Answer yet again which of these has happened to you. 

A. I’ve run away before 

B. I’ve been told to grow up before 

C. I’ve been hit before (verbally counts) 

D. A friend has betrayed me before 

E. I haven’t been allowed to get a pet before

Scroll for results! 

If you answered more:

As: You just want to hide. You don’t feel safe often and need more alone time than most. Your power is Invisibility! 

Bs: You can fly! Some people tell you to grow up, but you just want to be a kid again. You have a huge imagination and it can help you soar! 

Cs: You have Super Strength! You’ve had trouble with bullies before, and all you want is the courage to fight back.

Ds: You would like to read minds! You are very worried that people don’t like you, and have been going through some friend troubles. 

Es: You can turn into an animal! You’ve always wanted a pet and loved all creatures. You have the best power, so congrats. 

Love you all! 


  1. Somehow I got a three way split!?! A,B, and D

  2. I got D but I feel very much like A


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