Make this if you’re bored!!!!!!!

 We’ve all been there - so bored we think our eyes might shrivel up any minute! Or is that just me???

So I made a bored board, a fun game I play to get an idea of what to do. 

I just take a piece of paper and in the center I wrote BORED. 

Then all around the Bored Board, I wrote ideas of what I could do. 

Here are some ideas: 

Write and illustrate a story 

Write a song


Make a movie on your phone

Write a novel

Play with a pet

Make an art journal (my blog can help with that!) 

Design a chic outfit for your next big event 

Tidy your room

Make origami 

Write your own quiz! 

Bake cookies for a loved one

Test out an old recipe

Prank someone! (But don’t tell them I told you to! 🤪😂)

Make a surprise party 

Listen to music

Watch a yoga video

Fill your board, then grab a pen and watch this video to play! 

Spin your pen in the O and wherever the pen points is what you should do! 
Well, I guess I’ve got to go write a song!!! BYE!


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