Feeling Sad? Read this and you will feel happy in no time!

 Hi there friends! I’m sorry you feel sad. But feeling sad is boring! There are so many amazing things you could be doing right now, because you are a strong, capable person! You can do all things through God who created you. 

Still feeling sad? That’s ok. I created a sort of game below you can play. Just grab some paper and pens. Oooh! And glitter. There’s nothing glitter can’t fix. 

All set? Good. 

Play the “game” below! 

.  . . Project Cheer Up is Underway! . . . 

Sadness. Everybody feels it. And it doesn’t feel great. But the main thing that helps with sadness is talking about it. Even if you don’t have someone right there beside you to talk with. Talk with God through prayer, and guess what? I’m here, and you can talk to me. Write down what you’re struggling with from the list below, and I’ll give you a piece of advice. Make sure to use some happy pens, to help put you in a good mood! 

1. Someone said or did something mean

2.  Friend trouble

3. Family trouble

4. Money trouble

5. School trouble

6. Work trouble

7. Something complicated 

8. Something not listed here

Here’s my heartfelt advice, which I hope will help!  

1. I’m sorry that happened to you. Sometimes people can be mean, even if it seems like there was no reason at all. We’ve all been there. Just remember that there is usually something going on with that person that made them act in such a way. Try to show a little grace to them. Maybe someone said something mean to them, which is why they were mean to you. You never know! 

2. Friends are complicated. My advice is to find friends that lift you up, let you be yourself, and make you feel good. I am so lucky that I found friends like that. (Love you all, besties!) Anyway, try being yourself around them, and see if that creates a good bond. I have a feeling it will.

3. Families are just as complicated as friends, if not more so. Through all the tough times, just remember all of the good memories. The moments that make families, family. You have so much history, so sure there’s going to be a few crazy times. Maybe a few fights. But families are just there to love and support one another. So try being that beacon of light in your family, and I know you’ll work through it all. 

4. Here’s a piece of knowledge I picked up from a Bible School teacher concerning financial troubles. That sentence, money can’t by happiness, can feel like it is misquoted, untrue, or even totally false. It is true that you will likely feel sadder if you are unable to provide for your loved ones. But where that quote comes from is the fact that people who have enough to feed their families, but are not necessarily billionaires, can be just as happy (if not more happy) than those with more money. So no matter your financial status, keep your blessings in mind. If you want some similar wisdom, check out my Preparing Our Hearts For Christmas post to turn your mindset on God’s gifts this holiday season. 

5. School is also hard, because it combines academic pressures, social pressures, friend pressures, and maybe even family pressures. My biggest piece of advice is to not put the goals of others before your own. If you want to get mostly good grades and do well, go for it. Don’t strive for the social standers friends and fellow students put on you, and don’t expect to be perfect all the time. You’ve got this! 

6. Work is really stressful sometimes. You might have a terrible commute, procrastinating co-workers, a grumpy boss, or a lust for something more “glamorous,” “creative,” or “adventurous.” I have two pieces of advice for you. First, take a day off. You might be working too hard, which has caused all of this unrest or trouble. It’s ok, you deserve it. Second, learn to be happy in whatever setting you are in. God has put you there for a reason, so go ahead and make the most of it! 

7. That’s a tricky one. Maybe you have something going on that is more complicated than friend troubles or work troubles. In that case, find a hobby, devote some time to it, and take your mind off the situation. Give it some time to breathe, and then revisit the problem after calming down. You can do it!!!

8. I’m sorry your problem is not listed here. To get your advice, leave a comment below stating your problem and I’ll do my best to give you some advice. In the meantime, you might want to try the advice listed under number 7. It can work in a variety of dilemmas.

So, you’ve talked it out. I hope you’re feeling better. Keep scrolling if you want some more.

When you’re stressed, sad, or scared, it is good to take care of yourself.  Pick something fun to do from this list below! Write it down and brainstorm some ideas that circulate around this theme.

1. Have a night out with your friends

2. Read with a pet

3. Have a lovely bath

4. Paint or do something creative

5. Bake a treat and deliver it to a neighbor 

6. Call a parent or a friend 

7. Play some games or make your own

8. Make an amazing movie night, filled with games, decorations, themed snacks, and your friends. 

You can do whatever sounds best, and do another when you’re sad in the future. Or if you’re really sad, do a couple. 😉

Pick a soothing beverage to calm your nerves! Slowly sketch out your drink of choice on the paper to help your brain unwind. Don’t make it perfect. Use this activity to relax and let go of perfectionist thoughts. 

1. Sparkling water

2. Iced tea

3. Homemade, healthy fruit smoothie

4. Latte

5. Glass of milk

6. Lemon water 

And lastly, pick a compliment to give yourself. Write it out and draw lots of designs around it. Maybe listen to some Christmas Music????

1. I am amazing 

2. I am special

3. I am loved 

4. God loves me

5. I am smart 

6. I am dedicated 

7. I am creative 

8. I can do all things

And I believe you’re all of them! 

Sorry, I have to go now. But I’m sure that no matter what, you can power through these feelings! Keep planning your special activity, tell yourself those compliments, and know that God loves you!

And so do I! 


  1. This really helped me today- thanks!

  2. Cool Christian CrafterDecember 22, 2022 at 6:19 AM

    I’m so sorry you’re going through something. Thanks for reaching out.


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