Animal drawing tutorial!

 I love doodling. Especially with a good pen. I don’t know about you, but I find a nice sharp point exceedingly satisfying for all things artsy. 

So today, we’re doodling a little vermin. An adorable rat. I know they have a bad rep (and the tail sure doesn’t help their case), but they really are cute. And if you don’t like rats, you can always draw this and call it a mouse. 

Though if you don’t like rats I doubt you like mice. . .  

I’ll try not to take it personally. 

This is the same sketch after tracing the pencil with pen and cleaning it up a bit. If you want to color your sketch, I suggest two shades of gray. A light for the highlights and a dark for the shadows. A speck of blue in the eyes never goes amiss! 

God loves you! Bye! 


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