Which book will speak to you based on your life so far!

 Winter is coming, which means lots of cozy book time! I am not only a crafter, but an avid reader, so this quiz was really fun for me to write. I hope you enjoy it! 

1. How old are you?

A. 2 - 11

B. 11 - 23

C. 23 - 46

D. 46 - 60

E. 61+

2. Describe your childhood.

A. I went on lots of adventures. 

B. Sometimes it was hard, but I worked through it. 

C. My siblings and I lifted each other up during the rough times. 

D. Scary. 

E. I had close relationships with people in my family. 

3. What is your biggest fault?

A. Fear. 

B. My strictness. 

C. Vanity. 

D. Destructive behavior. 

E. My regrets. 

4. What is your relationship with your sibling(s) like?

A. I’m definitely the dreamer. 

B. I want more for them. 

C. We love each other so much. 

D. We’re complicated, but stick together through it all. 

E. Don’t have siblings. 

5. What do you wish for your future?

A. Magic.

B. To see the world in a different way. 

C. Family togetherness. 

D. To learn how to love myself.

E. To show my family I love them. 

6. What do you regret?

A. Trusting in the wrong person. 

B. Not being open-minded.

C. Not telling others I love them. 

D. My anxiety.

E. Not understanding. 

7. What do you love the most?

A. God. 

B. Our world. 

C. My family.

D. Friends.

E. My older relatives. 

8. Which do you notice first in others?

A. Their sense of adventure. 

B. Their open-mindedness.

C. Their sense of companionship.

D. Their faults.

E. Their storytelling ability. 

9. Which best describes you?

A. Magical.

B. Creative.

C. Loyal. 

D. Anguished. 

E. Bookish. 

If you answered mainly: 

As - You have to read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. You have a sense of adventure and magic and this book will touch the childlike wonder in your heart. 

Bs - You will enjoy The Giver. You see the world in a different way and this book will help you better understand yourself.

Cs - Little Women. You have a very strong sense of family and love and have a great relationship with your sibling(s). 

Ds - Anxious People. You have felt some powerful feelings and have had some hard things in your past. This book will help, I promise. 

Es - My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry. You have a strong relationship with your grandparents and maybe you are one yourself. 

Hope you enjoyed your book personality quiz! Happy reading! 


  1. I love this quiz! I have read all of these except My Grandmother, so I'm adding that to my list!

  2. These are all so great!

  3. Cool Christian Grampa (CCG)December 24, 2022 at 9:40 AM

    Great job on the survey!!

    1 - E
    2 - B
    3 - E
    4 - B
    5 - C
    6 - A
    7 - A
    8 - B
    9 - B

    Though the recommendation for me is The Giver (which I've never read), I HIGHLY the ENTIRE Chronicles of Narnia that includes, of course, The Lion, The Witch And the Wardrobe.


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