Plan your day to find out your next craft project

 Do you need inspiration? Play this fun quiz to discover the perfect craft for you.  

1. What time do you get up? 

A. Whenever my family gets up. 

B. I have a detailed sleep schedule. 

C. With the sun. 

D. When the clock strikes noon! 

E. It depends. 

2. What do you wear?

A. Something cozy! 

B. A nice crisp suit. 

C. My pjs! I’m not leaving the house! 

D. A tutu. 

E. Something colorful. 

3. What is breakfast?

A. Waffles! 

B. One perfect square of toast. 

C. A cup of coffee at the kitchen table. 

D. Fluffy eggs. 

E. A rainbow of fruits and veggies! 

4. What is your favorite school subject? 

A. Music.

B. Math.

C. English

D. History. 

E. Art. 

5. What is lunch? 

A. A sandwich. 

B. Nachos.

C. Pretzels. 

D. Chicken. 

E. Salad. 

6. What chores do you do in the afternoon? 

A. Mending and sewing. 

B. Laundry folding.

C. Responding to emails.

D. Dusting. 

E. Grooming the pet.

7. What fun do you do in the afternoon?

A. Napping under a cozy blanket. 

B. Setting the table. Yes, you actually find it fun!

C. Reading. 

D. Dancing!!!

E. Making snow angels. 

8. What’s for dinner? 

A. Omelettes.

B. Tortilla wraps. 

C. Popcorn.

D. Sushi!

E. Tacos. 

9. How about dessert?

A. Cookies.

B. Pie.

C. Trifle.

D. Baked Alaska.

E. Rainbow cupcakes! 

10. What do you do before bed?

A. Put on your PJs! 

B. Fold your blankets precisely at the foot of the bed.

C. Journal. 

D. Pile up your pillows to make it comfy. 

E. Pet your dog.

Let’s find out which craft is right for you!  

If you got mostly: 

As - You must try knitting! You love anything cozy, whether it’s afghans or family time. Try it, I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Bs - Origami. You love anything precise and neat, and are a bit of a perfectionist. Origami is a very crisp and neat craft, much like yourself. 

Cs - You are a writer at heart! You enjoy bookish things, and love grab-and go food, perfect for snacking on while you write. 

Ds - Pottery. You love anything graceful and sculpted. Now you can create your own intricate designs! 

Es - Painting! You love anything colorful and methodical, like swishing a brush on a canvas. 


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