How to make an advent calendar!
Advent calendars are so fun! Not only do they help you keep track of the days until Christmas, you can also get a fun treat or activity each day!
Here are some of the best, and uniquest, advent calendar ideas.
Count out 25 chocolate kisses and place them in a fancy bowl. Decorate the bowl with some ribbon and place a mini calendar next to it. Each day until Christmas unwrap and consume a chocolate and cross off a day on the calendar. Tasty and efficient.
Definitely my favorite advent calendar, this will not only help you remember the days, but it will also give you an activity.
Order 25 books. We like to get ours from a second-hand store because they are cheaper and because we like thinking of the people who have read them in the past. If you don’t want to order 25 books, scan your bookcase for any unread stories, and wrap those.
Mix up the books so you don’t know which is which, and place them underneath a tree. Open one each day leading up to Christmas and have a blast reading under some cozy blankets by a fire. That is my definition of a perfect moment.
This is such a fun way to remember every day leading up to Christmas. Take an old stuffed animal, doll, or dog toy and hide it somewhere in the house. Let your loved ones find it in a different funny position each day.
One fun idea is to hide the toy doing whatever your loved ones are doing that day. Example:
Putting pieces in a puzzle
Making flour angles on the cookie cutting board
Playing an instrument
Watching TV with a popcorn on the couch
Getting a tan (in the microwave - don’t turn it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Doing a craft
In the car
Or maybe lying all tucked up in bed
You can hide anything too!
Final Ideas:
Instead of the chocolate bowl you can wrap mini booze bottles, craft supplies, or dog treats. Or you can do all four. No judgement here.
Have a great and merry Christmas Season!
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