Find out which crafting genius you are most like

 This quiz will tell you whether you are a Martha Stewart or a Lia Griffith, or one of the many famous crafters, based on which of these you have made or done before. Maybe you are a mix of multiple crafter extraordinaries, or maybe you have one solid skill. Take the test to find out! 

1. Have you ever made paper flowers?           

2. Have you ever made a paper rose? 

3. Have you ever stenciled?           

4. Have you ever needlepointed?

5. Have you ever sewed?   

6. Have you ever worked with a fabric pattern? 

7. Do you ever make homemade cards?        

8. Do you ever decorate your envelopes?    

9. Do you enjoy sketching?           

10. Have you ever made a mixed media art journal? 

Scroll to get your results! 

If you answered yes to: 

Questions 1 or 2 - You are Lia Griffith, paper flower extraordinaire 

Questions 3 or 4 - Martha Stewart, not only a crafter but also a lifestyle expert

Questions 5 or 6 - Hello Debbie Shore! You are obviously a master seamstress and have probably made some homemade clothes during your life. 

Questions 7 or 8 - You are Sara Davies through and through. You enjoy sending people decorated, homemade cards to help brighten their lives. Good for you.

Questions 9 or 10 - You are Jane Davenport, a huge influencer in the world of multi media. You are a watercolor master and have lots of sketchbooks lying around your home. 

Or maybe you are not just one crafter, perhaps you are a mix. Maybe you are all of these remarkable makers rolled into a hall of glue and glitter. No matter what your results, I know you are an amazing crafter. Shine your light today and make some crafting magic! 


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