
Showing posts from October, 2023

Last Minute Spook-tacular treats

 One treat that we loved was making healthy Reese’s by freezing natural peanut butter and coating in dark chocolate. If you want some more fun ideas, look below! 1. Witch fingers. Carrots with hummus and almonds.  2. Jack o lantern oranges 🍊 with markers  3. Mini Oreo eyeballs  4. String cheese ghosts  5. Jack o lantern pumpkin pancakes  Bonus Ideas:  Wrap veggie dogs in crescent roll strips and bake, to make mummy dogs.  Make a quick popcorn bar for a horror movie marathon. 

If You Were a Book quiz

 Here is a fun quiz I made to honor the Blog Anniversary season, and the start of the holidays. You’ll answer some deep personality questions, and then I’ll tell you what genre of a book you are, plus how many copies you’d sell.  Remember, it’s just for fun and there’s no scientific evidence backing up my quiz. 1. Fave drink?  A. Water as wet as the souls of the drowned  B. Sparkling wine or tea  C. Beer or strong coffee  D. Red wine or cocktails  2. Fave film?  A. It, The Omen, Blair witch, or something equally terrifying.  B. Some documentary about animals, or a painting show  C. Something fast paced and action-y.  D. A mystery!! 3. Fave sweet treat?  A. Something vegan  B. A small slice of cake or pie  C. Dark chocolate ice cream  D. Any sweet is fine  4. Clothes style?  A. All black  B. Pink and yellow printed long sleeved shirts  C. T-shirts with weird logos and jeans  D. Flowing gow...

How to Perfectly Fry An egg

 Here’s how to perfectly fry an egg! Also, the winning option from the previous post is going to be a QUIZ, and one of our commenters picked a book personality one, so stay tuned for that!  Now here’s how to fry an egg. The soundtrack is 1989 Taylor’s VERSION YAY!  Look at that burst!  I recommend with some homemade toast on the side! 

I’m back! — EDIT

 The Cool Christian Crafter is back! To celebrate, I’ve compiled a list of post ideas based off of my trip I took. Vote in the comments which ones you’d like to see!  EDIT— this is also the anniversary of my blog. 1 year, 12k viewers, love you guys!  A: Italian Biscotti Recipe  B: a peek at my watercolor trip journal  C: best sights to see in Italy  D: where to put trip souvenirs E: Alps painting tutorial  F: A Quiz of your choice!!!! (If you vote for this, specify what kind of quiz you’d like.)  

Pics of statues that perfectly capture teenagers

 Here are some statues we saw on our trip, and the expressions they depicted prompted this post — a day in the life of a teen. 

Pics that perfectly picture cats

 These pics will be understood by every cat owner and lover.  Sorry for the short post! Love you guys!  The Cool Christian Crafter will be back from Europe in three days ❤️

Unpack my bag with me in Venice

 YAS queen! It’s Venice Time! Unpack my bag with me ♥️

Best places to see in Portugal

The Hilly Roads  The water  Graffiti street art  The Christ Statue  The Tapas stands  The Bridges  Umbrellas on Pink Street Murals 

Unpack my bag with me!

 We’re here! Lisbon is even more lovely than I had imagined.